Saturday, July 07, 2007

99 truths

(found this in someone's journal in DA...trip blog's been kinda empty anyway, so..why not.)
1. real name: Nadine. (not saying anything else.)

2. like it: my actual real name? not really.

3. single or taken: mm..haha. lol. single.

4. zodiac sign: taurus

5. male or female: confusing question...female is my default setting

6. elementary: UPIS

7. middle: haha. are you kidding me?

8.high school: UPIS

9. eye color: brown

10. hair color: dark brown...and green.

11. long or short: both! mostly short.

15. are you a health freak: haha. no.

16. height: 5'3"-ish

17. do you have a crush on someone: HELL YES

18. do you like yourself?: no.

19. piercings: 4...two in each ear

20. tattoos: does henna count? haha, no.

21. righty or lefty: righty


22. first surgery: never.

23. first piercing: ears

24. first best friend: Kaye?

25. first award: most creative? i dunno.

26. first sport: gymnastics..LOL.

27. first pet: mouse..Bubblegum!

28. first vacation: Bicol

29. first concert: school concert (UPIS week 2003)

30. first crush: uhh...haha.


49. eating: nothing (shows you empty mouth)

50. drinking: last thing i had was tea.

52. i'm about to: chat. yay TP.

53. listening to: Haengbok- Super Junior <3

55. waiting: Super Junior movie! <3 <3


58. want kids?: no.

59. want to get married?: no.

60. careers in mind?: artist :3


68. lips or eyes?: eyes!!!

69. hugs or kisses: hugs..<3

70. shorter or taller: taller..

71. tan skinned or light: mm..i'd say light? but doesnt really matter.

72. romantic or spontaneous: spontaneous :3

73. dark or light hair: somewhere in between? XD

74. athletic or normal: doesnt matter..i'd like to see talent though. squeee.

75. hook-up or relationship: relationship...:3

76. similar to you or different: in what way? o . O

77. trouble maker or hesitant: trouble maker >:3


78. kissed a stranger: no...

79. drank bubbles: what?

80. lost glasses/contacts: sunglasses...

83. climbed up a tree: yes :3

84. broken someone's heart: not sure..haha.

85. been arrested: liek...NO.

86. turned someone down: yes. without hesitation.

87. cried when someone died: yup.

88. liked a friend as more than a friend: not sure...i might be in denial.


89. yourself: do i exist? XD no.

90. miracles: not really.

91. love at first sight: no..

93. Santa clause: haha. no.

94. Sex on the first date: no.

95. Kissing on the first date: no.

96. Angels: mmm...sort of.


97. Is there one person you really want to be with right now? more ways than one.

98. Who is it? if you mean "be with" literally, my friends...if you mean "be with.." then...SungMin! lol.

99. Had more than one boyfriend/girlfriend at one time? girlfriends..yes..hahaha. not seriously though..doihh.

and just for the hell of it, a SungMin! <3
because im so dangerously infatuated...



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